AI-ESC at the University of Basel
The Responsible Digital Society research network is organizing an “AI ESC” with only AI-generated music, to highlight the opportunities and possibilities of current AI models. Participants are invited to create and submit an AI-generated song for their assigned country in the style of typical Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) entry. At the grand finale event on May 12 at 17:00 in the main auditorium at Kollegienhaus (Aula 003), a selection of these songs will be played and all attendees will be able to vote for their favorite songs. While the votes are being tallied, a panel discussion will be held to address the risks of AI for the music industry. Partner universities are able to participate as satellite locations and will be virtually integrated into the final event.
All members of the University of Basel and its partner universities as well as the interested general public are invited to participate in the AI-ESC.
Prerequisite is the willingness to participate in the final event in Basel or one of the partner universities on May 12.

Generating Music with AI
There are many different tools available online that allow you to create your own music with a simple prompt. We have compiled a short list of such tools that work well for this task. You are free to use these tools or any others you find online. The contest does not require you to pay for any of these services, although you may need to create a free account by linking your Google or Discord account.
In order to reach out to the AI-ESC organizers, please send an email to esc@clutterunibas.ch.
More details on the Responsible Digital Society (RDS) research network including information on how to join the RDS can be found here: rds.unibas.ch