Welcome to a celebration of the Eurovision Song Contest at the University of Basel
With the Eurovision Song Contest coming to Basel in May 2025, the University of Basel is organizing a series of events, lectures and activites around this unique event.
Should you like to add your ESC related UniBas event to the list, please use the link below to send us the details.
ESC Events at the University of Basel
Department Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf den "Eurovision Song Contest"
Nadelberg 8, Seminarraum 13
Department Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
Love, love, peace, peace! Schweden als ESC-Gastgeber
Englisches Seminar, Grosser Hörsaal
PD Dr Julia Landmann
From Geordie to Jazz: Salience in Songs of Newcastle and New Orleans
Kollegienhaus Hörsaal 115, Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel
Donne e uomini nella canzone leggera italiana degli anni Settanta: riflesso di una societa caratterizzata da modelli tradizionali e nuove aspirazioni
Aula, Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel
Research Network Responsible Digital Society